music monday 9.26.16

i really liked Bitsy’s playlist, so i thought i would make one of my own! i dont know where this will go in the future (or if i’ll even keep it up), but for today’s instalment, i’m just gonna throw a whole lot of genre-confetti at you and let you pick what you want to listen to (though these are all really dope songs; i implore you to step out of you usual genre and try something new).

that being said, i made a youtube playlist, and all this week’s are various shades of upbeat/could play at a party… but wildly different parties. (ok honestly, i’ve never been to a Party so this is what i think the music would be) (fyi there is some not School Appropriate language (lookin at you, Kanye).

if you really like any of these songs, let me know and i could recomend you some similar music!!!


About mikey

Michael Chiles, known to friends as Mikey, is always consuming or creating art. His favorite medium is singing and music, but he also enjoys theatre, fine arts, and dance (though his skills are limited to pirouettes and attempted twerking). He is an advocate for all underdogs, with LGBT+ rights and equality being his main focus. If he is ever zoned out, he is probably composing, directing, and choreographing a musical. Well, that, or he's thinking about memes...
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1 Response to music monday 9.26.16

  1. Rob Durham says:

    Nice! Sadly, Manson is the only one I owned on CD.

